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Dissemination of the textbook entitled Applications of ionizing radiation in materials processing in the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 project (AGREEMENT NUMBER 2014-1-PL01-KA203-003611) will be held at Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management(CZIiTT), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw on May 25th, 2017. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and CZLiTT will co-organize this dissemination event.  The full content of the textbbok can be downloaded  here: textbook

The details pls. see agenda here>>

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management
Warsaw University of Technology
Address: Rektorska 4, Room 1.01 , 00-614 Warsaw, Poland

10:10 – 11:00 Registration and coffee buffet
11:00 -12:30 Session I
11:00-11:10 Welcome
Prof. Jacek Michalik, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT)
11:10-11:20 Textbook brief introduction
Assoc. Prof. Yongxia Sun, INCT coordinator of Erasmus+, Project coordinator of Erasmus+
11:20-11:55 Radiation chemistry of liquid system
Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, INCT (Oral presentation in Polish)
11:55-12:30 Electron accelerators application in material processing
Dr. Zbigniew Zimek, INCT (Oral presentation in Polish)
12:30-12:50 coffee break
12:50-14:00 Session II
12:50-13:25 From science to technology – radiation crosslinked polymers
Assoc. Prof. Grażyna Przybytniak, INCT (Oral presentation in Polish)
13:25-14:00 Radiation processing of materials – nanotechnology
Dr. Wojciech Starosta, INCT (Oral presentation in Polish)
14:00-14:45 Lunch break
14:45-15:50 Session III
14:45 -15:00 Research facilities and opportunities in Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science
Prof. Ioan CALINESCU, Dean of the Faculty: “Applied Chemistry and Materials Science” (FACMS), University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania
15:00-15:15 Directions and achievements in doctoral school Applied Chemistry and Materials Science
Prof. Vasile Lavric, Director of Doctoral School: “Applied Chemistry and Materials Science”, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania
15:15-15:30 Internationalization study programme in Xi’an Jiaotong University
Prof. Zhaolin Gu, Excutive dean of School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
15:30-15:55 Advertisement of the textbook
15:55-16:00 Closing

Post Author: Mac Ivan